1. From the panel at the left, select Cohort & Modules.

  2. Once you do that, a page like the image below should show. Click on the plus button at the bottom right to create a cohort.

Screen Shot 2022-01-30 at 6.16.24 PM.png

  1. Key in the order number, name, and description of the cohort. To utilize the cohort as a module, click the box beside the “Utilize as Module”

Screen Shot 2022-01-30 at 6.24.23 PM.png

  1. After the cohort has been created, tap the three button at the right hand side to view, edit or delete.

Screen Shot 2022-03-14 at 5.40.19 PM.png

  1. If you select view, you would be directed to a page that allows you to assign courses and users to the cohorts.

Screen Shot 2022-03-14 at 5.44.54 PM.png

To assign courses or users;

To assign users to the cohorts;