1. On the landing page, click the arrow (<) to expand the panel on the left hand. Once that is done, the dashboard should look like the image below. After, select users from the options.

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  1. On the bottom right side of the page, click the plus button to add users manually.

To import users, click the button with the user symbol at the bottom right side of the page.

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Adding Users Manually

Importing Users via CSV

  1. Users can be sent tokens through sms to access their assigned course. To do this, select a user and click on “SMS LOGIN TOKEN”.
  2. To force update a course for a user, click on the “FORCE UPDATE PROMPT” button. This will cause any updates to a course to reflect on the user dashboard when they login to the course.

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Click any of the links below to explore other aspects of the dashboard. You can create courses, cohorts, users etc.